Monday 23 August 2010

Thursday 19th August 2010 Belleville. Day off.

View across the fields from Belleville. 
White clouds and blue skies getting warmer, no rain forecast so Mike started on the front deck again. He put the starboard side step back in place and took the port side step off after emptying the red diesel out of the central heating day tank (in the step). The port side wasn’t as rusty as the starboard side but a large pile of debris had accumulated between the step and the hull side. After lunch Mike put some filler on the pitted areas where the worst rust had been. He hadn’t got enough cutting discs to shorten the edges of the step so he went to get some from the nearest brico. Big Mat just up the road was closed for holidays according to the couple in a 4x4 who were just closing the main gates. He went to Cosne and bought some from a brico next to the other Carrefour market in the town. They were expensive at 2€ each or a pack of three for 4,95€, so he bought three packs. Two loaded boats went downhill at 5.00 p.m. and 5.30 p.m. both Belgian, Serjos from Ampsin and Sequens. We’d seen them loading at the silo in Les Fourchards opposite Cosne when we went shopping the day before. Lovely sunset. Decided to move on up the canal next day.

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