Sunday 22 August 2010

Saturday 14th August 2010 Beaulieu. Day off.

Sunny spells, lots of clouds and a few spots of rain in the late afternoon. Mike went for bread by car as it was just a bit far to walk (and all uphill). He carried on with repairs on the front deck, sanding down the filler he’d put on the day before and adding some more. After lunch we went shopping at Carrefour Market while the filler hardened. Mike made the error in Chatillon of not crossing the bridge over the Loire, thinking there was one at Briare (there isn’t) so we went to Gien instead. I prefer the C4 in Gien, not so many tourists as in Briare - I said. When we arrived on the car park we were astounded to see a whole clutch of Dutch and British cars! Famous last words. Didn’t buy much as we didn’t need much. Took a loaf back for the neighbours. Mike carried on sanding down the filler, then gave it a coat of minium gris paint (red oxide substitute). 

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