Monday 23 August 2010

Friday 20th August 2010 Belleville to Sury-sur-Loire. 2.6kms 1 lock

Sunny, hot with a nice breeze. Mike was up early and carried on with the work on the front deck, sanding down the filler and giving it a coat of minium gris paint. The neighbours left at 10.40 a.m. and went up the lock. I got on with the usual chores, went for bread, took the special electric plug back to the lady in Tourist Information Office and said thank you, then walked up to the lock, 37 Belleville (1.80m), to tell the keeper we wanted to come up the lock. The keeper, a young ginger-haired bearded man with specs, emptied the lock while two retriever dogs wandered around the lock. I went round to the far side and closed a top end gate for him. Told him we could get through one gate, to which he said OK, but looked sceptical. Mike brought the boat in, I dropped a rope down for him to attach to the roof and the keeper wound one top end ground paddle open. It was getting close to midday as we left the lock. We passed a downhill Nautic hireboat as we went through the first bridge. A couple of kilometres later we were at the moorings at Sury and found Charley tagged on the uphill end of the quay. Dreamcatcher was at the other end and two Dutch boats in the middle (a blue and yellow tug and a fat narrowboat). We tied along the piled edge and connected up to the electric. Nick said it was all free and the guy off Dreamcatcher said there was free WiFi too - Diana was already on it! Made sandwiches for lunch. I tried WiFi but we must have been too far away as there was nothing showing. I did the log. Bouygues was still on the slowest setting, GPRS. Mike walked back to get the car. 

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