Saturday 28 August 2010

Monday 23rd August 2010 Sury-sur-Loire. Day off

Grey overcast with rain expected (which arrived late afternoon). The neighbours moved on to get shopping at St Satur and pick up their post at Herry. The two Dutch boats that we assumed were here for the rest of the summer also left, but heading downhill. We bowhauled the boat down the empty mooring to get the best spot for WiFi – with the bows level with the transmitter. Even that close it was still only 30>60% signal strength. Never mind it’s 36 Mb/ps instead of Bouygues feeble 54 Kb/ps. Got on with the jobs. Mike filtered the dregs of diesel out of the Refleks day tank then put new draft excluder strips down the doors. An ex-hireboat (Rive de France) arrived and moored in the middle of the space uphill of us. Soon after a DB arrived and attempted in front of the cruiser but gave up and continued. The LeBoat that was following the DB also carried on uphill. After lunch Mike went to get some ice cream from Carrefour. 

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