Monday 23 August 2010

Saturday 21st August 2010 Sury-sur-Loire. Day off

Hot and sunny. Mike gave the deck a coat of paint where he’d fetched rust off then he went to have a chat with the guy off Dreamcatcher about his WiFi set up as he’d told Nick and Diana he could get WiFi everywhere he stops and keeps in contact with his family using Skype videophone. Turned out he possibly had an antenna amplifier from Maplins made by Edimax. The afternoon was very hot - neighbours had both their air conditioning units working – we had both ventilator fans on! After lunch we went out in the car (Mike had found a large car park by the cemetery) to have a look at moorings further down the  canal and also have a look at the old railway in St Satur and Sancerre. Back before five, loads of cars on the road. Didn’t find much in the way of moorings and not much of the railway either. Dreamcatcher had left (he said earlier he was moving back towards Briare after lunch) so everyone had moved up a bit. We closed the gap between us and Charley. The WiFi still didn’t work on our boat. I noticed Diana was sitting on their back deck to use it, therefore you need to be pretty close to the WiFi transceiver which was by the bridge over the ditch leading to a path to the village. 

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