Sunday 22 August 2010

Thursday 12th August 2010 Beaulieu. Day off.

Cooler, blue skies but loads of white clouds turning to grey ones later. Charley went past heading for a space further up the moorings after another boat left. They didn’t like being on the end as there were loads of bumper boats about and Nick gets very concerned about them smacking into Charley’s stern (which they have done on several occasions). Shortly after Mike took a walk down the moorings and decided we’d go to the uphill end and moor next to the pilings as we could still reach the water and electric from there and it would be quieter away from the surprisingly busy road bridge. Also the water taps weren’t locked at that end of the moorings. There were two “dead” cruisers ahead of Charley, then a large Recla, then us. Mike tried talking to the Dutchman off the Recla - as we tied up he came out to lend a hand - but he didn’t speak English or much French. They left before lunch, so I gave Mike a hand to bowhaul our boat back a boat’s length on to the end of the wooden edged quay to close up the gap. After lunch Mike took Nick with him to Briare to find the VNF office (by the pumping station that takes water from the Loire to the summit) to see if they could get a list of which pounds were going to be drained during November and December. They didn’t get any more information, only the fact that the powers that be in the VNF don’t let the local offices know what work they will be doing until perhaps the beginning of September. The lady in the office gave them booklets and said she was surprised we didn’t have them with our licences – Mike told her we bought our licences online. 

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