Saturday 3 July 2010

Yr. 18 Day 45 Wednesday 30th June 2010 Bray-sur-Seine Day off

A bit cooler overnight, but back to really hot and sunny all day. La Chouette left around ten. A large Winnebago had parked at the top of the bank by our car. Mike went a walk to get a loaf and passed two boulangeries that looked permanently closed before he found one that was open. I gave Mike a hand while he trimmed the bottom edge of the front seat’s front panel, then he put some paint on the cut edge and the primered section he had removed the rust from under the front edge of the seat. After lunch we went out in the car. First to have a look to see if we could find a mooring on the river at La Port Montain where we stopped last time (1994) on the way upriver. They had altered the course of the river to straighten it and now the little quay was behind a row of red channel markers and it looked shallow. Also it was next to the ski nautique’s slip, so they must use it. No boats were there, just a notice and a ski zone board. Had a quick look around Villiers-sur-Seine to see if there was a quay by the bridge on the section of river now bypassed by a large canal. Nothing, nor anything by the next bend where the road is alongside the river. Gave up and went back into Bray. The neighbours decided to move upon to the pontoon as they had done some washing and needed water.

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