Sunday 27 June 2010

Thursday 24th June 2010 Pont-sur-Yonne. Day off

Hot and sunny. Started on the jobs that needed sunny days. Mike painted the covers for the solar system with a first coat of white gloss and attempted to fix the stern riding light that refused to work when we had to move on from Sens in the dark. It worked but not to his satisfaction. A British yacht called Smithereen arrived, we’d been doing the same mooring hops down the river, Joigny, Sens then here. They had come over the Bourgogne and were off into Paris down the Seine and back to the UK. After lunch Mike did the other sides of the wooden covers. Amazingly, I found the Internet worked OK with the dongle in the USB socket on the laptop. Mike was miffed that the Internet worked on my laptop but wouldn’t work on his PC. Later he tried the Internet, it was too slow - only about 10 kb/sec. I tried it again and found the same. 

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