Saturday 3 July 2010

Thursday 1st July 2010 Bray-sur-Seine. Day off

Very hot and sunny, clouding over by late evening. Untied to move off at nine. Nick and Diana weren’t moving. They said their weather station said today was going to be the hottest and they would stay put with their air conditioning on. We moved alongside Charley and had a chat. Decided to stay too and moved on to the pontoon. Very hot so we had our ventilator fans running all day. Lunch. Mike went for a nap and I checked emails and did some blogging – amazed that the Internet on EDGE uploaded pictures on to the blog at a reasonable speed. We went out in the car to have a look at the situation in Nogent. We went via the fast route, D411, and found our way through the one way streets to the river. La Chouette was moored on the new quay in the weir stream. No road, just a footpath so we parked and Mike took a walk while I stayed in the car with all the doors and windows open. There were two cruisers moored further towards the mill on the sloping stone banks but they looked permanent. Bob gave Mike some VNF phone numbers. He said they’d been weed cutting on the canal up to Marcilly and that had just finished but the repairs to the lift bridge at Pont-sur-Seine were ongoing. Back via the scenic route to the north of the river through Hermé, Le Port Montain and Gisly back to Bray. Too hot to move!

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