Sunday 27 June 2010

Wednesday 23rd June 2010 Pont-sur-Yonne. Day off

Sunny and getting warmer. Mike went to get the car after we unloaded the moped across Charley’s back deck. The hireboats hadn’t moved, which was unusual. The one moored stern on to the end of the wonky pontoon left around 10.30 a.m. the next left around eleven and the LeBoat that raced us down the river the day before stayed until lunchtime then went back upriver. It nearly had an accident when 750-tonner Maritime was coming back loaded downriver through the bridge – the hireboat did a circle right in front of its bows! Not just crossing once but twice! After an early lunch Mike and I went shopping by car to Carrefour in Sens. Bought a new wok for 4,50€ a new local map 5,90€ and Mike picked up three containers of oil. Called at Bricomarché and Mike got a 30A circuit breaker and some fuses for Nick. Back on the boat just after three. Nick had just sent a kid packing who’d been skateboarding on the wonky pontoon – stupid kid! Mike watched England beat Slovakia 1-0 to stay in the competition. 

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