Thursday 1 July 2010

Saturday 26th June 2010 Cannes-Ecluses. Day off

Hot and sunny. Had a lazy morning. Passing commercial traffic was sporadic. Lunch. Mike watched the F1 qualis and I did the log and the photos and some more blogging, up to date now. Went out in the car. Found bins to dump rubbish and had a look at moorings. Water was available (and electric now) on new pontoons at Montereau but not many spaces. Wouldn’t want to moor there at a weekend as there were speedboats and jet skis blasting up and down (some of them off the commercials – noted that they carry them on their boats now along with a car - or two, on the bigger boats). Went on up the Seine to check the moorings at Marolles (full of commercials) La Tombe (an old silo quay, empty but a bit too high for us) Bray (loads of commercials again and the Port Autonome de Paris (PAP) mooring was full as it now had water and electric) then we called in the Carrefour Market for bread and some milk for the neighbours. Went on a scenic tour to have a look at a menhir (a tall stone erected in stone age times) located just south of Nogent-sur-Seine. Lucy (GPS) took us right there but there was no sign of a tall stone in the fields of wheat and hemp, maybe they shifted it but not the signpost! Back across country to Bray then back to the boat via the D411. Lots of Sunday teatime traffic on the roads including 4x4s towing large speedboats. There are loads of former gravel pits along the lower Yonne and upper Seine now open for water-skiing, etc. A Nicholls hire boat had planted itself behind Charley and a late middle aged couple in shorts (must be Americans) were just getting off to walk towards the bridge into the town.

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