Saturday 2 October 2010

Sunday 26th September 2010 Beaulon. Day off.

Sunny spells with rain forecast for later. Chilly so we kept the coal fire running all day too. We went to Garnat to take the tin of solid resin back for a refund. No problem and we got the 12€ back. Called at the boulangerie in Beaulon for a loaf then back to the boat. The couple on Chocolat were chatting with the folks from the British campervan, so I asked if the knew how many Amps we had on the electricity supply. They didn’t know but said they thought about 6 Amps although they could run their washer which they said was a small one. As the box is locked and we can’t get at the breakers we had no idea and didn’t want to risk cutting the electricity off on a Sunday. A Dutch couple arrived to chat, their 28m DB was on the mooring at Diou. The people on Chocolat were off to Gannay then back to Vermenton. They said that this was their last season and they were going to sell their boat as they had had health scares (both in their seventies, she was recovering from a slipped disc) and decided they were going back to the UK. They said they’d had six good years and wished they’d started earlier as there was so much more they wanted to see. I gave Mike a hand to move the boat up on to the quay. After lunch Mike put the Internet on to have the stats page running while the F1 race was on. On the BBC News they said Ed Miliband had been elected the new leader of the Labour Party. 1.30 p.m. the night race Singapore F1 GP started. 

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