Sunday 3 October 2010

Monday 27th September 2010 Beaulon. Day off.

Chilly. Rain most of the day. The boat in front (Verwisseling) left at nine, they were off to Joe Parfitt’s for him to fit a car power steering system to assist the rudder movement (Mike wanted to know how he was going to do that) as their tjalk was still tiller steered which, being ex-narrowboaters, they really liked but she was finding it heavy work. Mike moved our boat up to the end of the quay while I got ready to go out. We went to Dompierre and booked the control technique for the ZX for 11.00 a.m. the following day. Called in the Marché U in the town centre for a loaf (most of the village boulangeries were closed as it’s Monday) then headed home. A French cruiser that had arrived the day before (and still had Jenny across its bows although it had a French name along its sides) was still there and the Serge Gainsbourg lookalike skipper was stood at the door. We asked him if the square aerial he had on the roof was for WiFi. No, he replied, TNT (Terrestrial Numerique Television, ie digital TV) and it’s not very good. We said we found TNT reception wasn’t very good at most places along the canal, maybe it’ll be better when they do the switchover to digital TV in October/November? Or maybe we’ll have no French TV at all?!! Or even worse, a lot of French people will have no TV at all. Made a cuppa then helped Mike to make electrical modifications on one of our two panel heaters. 

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