Sunday 3 October 2010

Tuesday 28th September 2010 Beaulon. Day off.

Milder. Grey, overcast with light showers, but less of them than the day before. A cyclist had pitched his tent overnight among the campervans. We went to Dompierre for the car’s biannual MoT (Control Technique) at 11.00 a.m. A different young man was on duty and did the tests. There was a list of things that needed attention, but none that would fail it, most of which we knew about like a stone chip in one of the front lights, corrosion underneath (he said the patching Mike had done was OK, in fact very good, and the rest had nowhere near as much rust – thank goodness!) and dents in the side doors – but the new items were corrosion in the joint in the exhaust pipe (that will need replacing soon) and a bit of play in the rubber mounting on the lower suspension arm (that will remain as it’s too expensive, it will only affect the tracking slightly). Paid 76€ and went back home, calling via the Marché U for a loaf. Two Australian cruisers moored behind us but only stayed over lunchtime. Campervans left and were replaced by others. Mike had started cutting out cardboard templates to make the shape for a parabolic dish for amplifying Internet signals but needed more cardboard – have to buy more Magnums! Had a look online for exhaust systems for the ZX and guess what? The British firms were offering them at less than half the price of the French ones!

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