Sunday 3 October 2010

Wednesday 29th September 2010 Beaulon. Day off.

Grey, overcast but dry. Mike insisted I did the setting up in the engine room to run the Markon. I suppose he was right, there could be a time when, for whatever reason, that he couldn’t do it and if the Markon was wanted I would have to connect it up. Loads to remember connecting up the drive plates and lots of fiddly stuff, too. It ME took ages. Most of the campers had gone except one grey Dutch motor home that had been here when we arrived. Mike spoke to the guy on a large French cruiser moored right behind us to tell him we would be running our engine to power our generator as the electricity supply was probably only 6 Amps. He told Mike he was off to Marseilles-les-Aubigny for the winter but had stayed in Roanne and knew the Mayor who lived on a boat in the basin and was an ex-motorcycle cop. Très genial, he said. After the washing machine finished heating Mike put the boat back on mains and when the washing finished and I’d hung it up to dry we went out in the car for a ride round the hilly country south of the Morvan. Through Bourbon-Lancy to Grury, Issy-l’Évêque and into Toulon-sur-Arroux, southwest on the D994 through Gueugnon and back to Beaulon via Neuvy-Grandchamp and Bourbon-Lancy, pausing at Le Fourneau to admire a vast machine that made ice from the early 1900s. Back on the boat at 8.30 p.m. A blue widebeam narrowboat called Renaissance had moored next to the American’s little DB Rival (two boats behind us) and both crews were still sitting out on Rival’s back deck chatting in the dark. 

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