Saturday 2 October 2010

Monday 20th September 2010 Gannay. Day off.

Cold night. Still clear blue skies. Sunny and warm. All the overnight boats had gone before ten. Mike went to La Poste to get the post from Glyn sent on the 10th and called in the Proxi mini market for some bread, then he started work on the car cills. Filling and sanding. I had a search online to find a bank that doesn’t charge for foreign transactions as Nationwide are going to start charging 2% on FlexAccount transactions starting in November plus £1 (on top of the 2%) for each cash withdrawal when using their debit card. Didn’t find any. Found an Observer article, dated August, about rip off bank charges for foreign transactions which said banks charge between three and five percent, which is outrageous. Have to do some careful planning for withdrawing cash and keep fingers crossed it doesn’t apply to credit card transactions. The Internet was rubbish, dropping out every half hour or so. 

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