Saturday 2 October 2010

Wednesday 22nd September 2010 Gannay. Day off

Hooray overnight temperature back into double figures! Clear blue sky, sunny, and getting warmer. I gave Mike a hand to get the car on the ramps (front two wheels, pulling with the chain lift rather than try to drive it up, much to the amusement of a French couple on the cruiser moored opposite it) and he removed loads more thin bits of rusty metal, making the section a whole lot smaller before starting to rebuild and fibreglass it. Lunch. Mike found the new can of resin he bought the day before was rock hard and unusable - while the car was up on the ramps he had no way of taking it back. Applying matting and resin upside down is not easy and he was not happy with “bodging” as he always likes to try to do a good neat job of anything. Body filling is not his forte. 

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