Saturday 23 October 2010

Tuesday 19th October 2010 Melay. Day off

0.8°C That’s cold! Pouring with rain when the alarm woke Mike. We were going to move up to Roanne but not in the wet! The camper was leaving as we drank our tea and coffee. Mike decided that if and when the rain stopped he would move the car up to Roanne (dodging the police barricades as it was another “protest” Tuesday) and come back on the moped. He left at 11.45 a.m. taking his waterproof/windproof trousers plus his thick jacket and gloves. Fortunately he didn’t get entangled with any protesters but he did have trouble finding his way into Roanne and into the basin from the eastern side of the town. He had a chat with John and Lizanne who told him that the space in front of them would be vacant until the end of the month when its usual winter moorer returns. 

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