Saturday 23 October 2010

Sunday 10th October 2010 Pierrefitte. Day off

Grey, overcast with a few sunny spells. Mike was up early to watch the F1 from Japan. I got up just before it finished. Vettel won. Started the engine to run the Markon and I did some washing. Nothing moving much for days then one up and two down loaded pĂ©niches passed in the pound around 12.45 p.m. and a French cruiser gave up following the downhill ones and paused in front of us. The two that came down were, Reginald from Antwerp followed by Heide.E from Rotterdam, then Mazzel went uphill. The lock keeper came to ask when we were moving, well timed as we were ready for moving on, so Mike booked the lock for 9.30 a.m. the following day. The cruiser set off again just after 1.30 p.m. Later a DB-styled narrowboat called Sulaskar came past and moored in front on the sloping edge of the basin. When Mike went out later the skipper off the DBnb paused for a few words en route to the bottle bank. They’d only just this year brought their boat over and were going up the canal a bit before heading back to Nevers for winter.

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