Saturday 23 October 2010

Thursday 14th October 2010 Molinet. Day off

2.6°C even colder overnight! A chilly day with fog that lasted until the afternoon and a cold wind. Coal fire still going, will need to put the central heating on if it continues to be so cold. On with the chores. Mike went into Digoin for petrol for the gennie. Police were keeping traffic out of the town centre so there must still be protests going on about the Government plans regarding the retirement age and pensions. Ran the engine and Markon to do more washing and ironing. Mike rang the Citröen dealer in Paray; the part had arrived – were they going to phone us? They said they would and didn’t, typical! After lunch Mike went to top the car’s tank up plus get a container of diesel for the boat and collect the new part for the ZX from Paray. 
Mike (in mechanic mode) with new part for the ZX.
Amazing what has to be done to keep an 18 yr old car on the road!
He decided to get the job done while it was dry and it went pretty well as he was finished before five. We went for a ride in the ZX to test it out and book the first lock on the Roanne canal for ten the following day. Surprised to see the lock was now automatic – but the lights were switched off. We had just taken down the two phone numbers on the door of the small workshop alongside the lock when a VNF man in a van arrived. OK for ten tomorrow? Yes. Hope the weather is a bit better! Back to the boat. On the French news the strikers were still blockading the oil refineries, a popular target for the unions in any dispute with the Government as secondary picketing is allowed here. The evening was getting colder so Mike lit the central heating for the first time this Autumn, but turned it off before we went to bed as it wasn’t burning correctly and the temperature hadn’t slid down as far as the night before. 

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