Tuesday 14 September 2010

Sunday 29th August 2010 Cours-les-Barres. Day off.

Cooler overnight. Sunny and warm. Mike rubbed down the handrails and gave them a coat of red paint to smarten them up a bit. I held the brolly for a sun shade as he couldn’t see where he was painting with the sun in his eyes. A lady from the village who works in the Tourist Information at Beffes came past and stopped for a chat. I made sandwiches for lunch while Mike was taking photos of the moorings. He watched F1 from Spa with his PC connected to the Internet for the F1 site info. Later I had the Internet and did a few more Ancestry searches. We had an email from George and Helen. They’d loaded Bauxite Friday below Bollene and were heading north to unload downstream of Conflans on the Seine, so we should see them soon. A green painted narrowboat went past and moored behind us. Mike went out to lend a hand and had a short chat then the couple went to the restaurant for a meal, leaving a large, long-haired Alsatian dog in change on their boat. DB Waterman also arrived (heading uphill) went to the end of the moorings turned and came back to moor beyond the narrowboat. 

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