Tuesday 14 September 2010

Saturday 28th August 2010 Cours-les-Barres. Day off.

Sunny, cooler with lots of grey and white clouds. Mike went up to the car with the shopping bags. No one at the Mairie, but he spotted a guy going into the municipal works depot opposite, so he told him the electricity had gone off. He checked the box on the shower block halfway up the hill and the box down by the mooring and discovered that every time the interior light in the shower block was turned on the main breaker to the port tripped out. Must be the rain, said the guy, and he would get an electrician to sort it. It was back on again before Mike got back (he stopped to chat with the neighbours). Mr & Mrs Snooty on Morgenster had reeled in their cable and set off. Anna-Maria IV’s passengers had left, lugging their suitcases up the hill, the next lot would probably arrive later or the next day. Decided not to move up into the gap; we left the space in front of Charley for the hireboats to bounce in and out of to get at the tap. Mike disconnected the wires to the switch in the shower block so that the electricity would remain on, and said we must remember to reconnect before we leave. Lunch. TV on and Mike watched F1 from Spa Belgium. 

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