Friday 23 July 2010

Thursday 22nd July 2010 Cepoy. Day off.

Cooler, cloudy first thing then sunny and getting warmer. Mike had been woken early at 6.30 am by a builders van hooting outside the hostel. He got dressed to go out to reconnect all the electric breakers that he’d left switched off last night, when our power went off again - someone off one of the other boats had just turned the left hand breakers off (ours, inc Charley, and Cosi) and reconnected the right hand breakers (the hotel boat and the Canadians). Mike turned the left hand breakers back on so everything was reconnected. He got back into bed as we weren’t going anywhere so he didn’t need to get up early. We got up just after nine. Mike went for bread and I started on the chores. All three of the boats that had moored overnight left around nine or just after. The cruisers heading uphill, the hotel boat downhill. (We had no more problems with the electricity, proving that most likely one of the boats had a faulty electrical system or was an exorbitant user). Mike started work on some of the repairs, starting with the main water pump. He also adjusted the voltage on the fridge’s mains transformer unit as it had crept too high

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