Friday 23 July 2010

Friday 16th July 2010 Nemours. Day off

Nice cool night, warm sunny day. Wind picking up. Mike was up early at 7.30 a.m. and put the sunshade in the car’s windscreen first thing. Someone had tripped the electricity supply and Pax 1 had  called the man in a van to fix it. He arrived as Mike came back. Half an hour later boats started leaving. Mike went to the post office to post letters and then bought some bread. Lunch. Spent the afternoon on the PC, blogging and Ancestry. After dinner we went out for a ride in the car. Beautiful sunset, eerie half light over fields of grain, the quality of light you get at eclipses. Back on the boat before midnight, I took all the stuff back on the boat and Mike parked the car on the big car park next to the river where they hold the market and walked back. 

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