Tuesday 13 July 2010

Friday 9th July 2010 Moret Day off

20.4°C minimum outside overnight. Rain! Grey clouds and raining first thing. Heard distant thunder but nothing close by. The rain stopped late morning, then back to sunshine but not quite so hot as the day before. Mike and I went shopping (by car) at C4 Market in Ecuelles by the next lock uphill.  Didn’t need much. Checkout assistant was silent and surly. I packed all the groceries away and made lunch. After lunch I did the chores then gave Mike a hand to hold down the wooden covers for the solar system while he cut the edge pieces down so the covers would fit under the panels when not in use. Killed a cleg (horsefly) trying to bite my elbow! Put the boards on a picnic table while Mike planed the edges. Spotted several strange insects I’d never seen before. One was a fast runner, six legs, white with black polka dots and another was similar but navy blue with light brown bits. They were larvae of lacewings (I think) and a seven spot ladybird. An empty péniche called Trucker came up the lock as we were clearing up and moored opposite on an old high quay. So much for the kid at the lock saying the day before that there was no more péniche traffic through here! Glad to see he was wrong. I put the inverter on and did the log before starting to catch up on blogging, etc. Far too hot. A very loud bang got all of us outside at 12.30 a.m. A whiff of smoke was drifting across the car park by the boats and Mike found bits of cardboard on the roof and bank near the rear window. Diana spotted two people on the far bank beyond the moored péniche. Someone had set off a petard (banger) right by the boats. Nick thought it was on his boat, so did we!

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