Tuesday 8 June 2010

Wednesday 28th April 2010 Cercy-la-Tour – a day off.

4.1°C Sunny and warm, nice little breeze. I started on the chores and did some washing. Nick and Diana ‘phoned to say that the EDF had been and disconnected Claude’s electricity supply and they’d booked the locks for 1 p.m. The neighbours arrived just after three and we went out to lend a hand. They didn’t need one as Diana had it all in hand. Mike took Nick to collect his car then they went on to Chatillon to leave our car there and come back in Nick’s. I booked the locks for us to go as far as Panneçot, starting at 9.30 a.m. next day. The rest of the spaces on the pontoon filled up with hire boats. The lady keeper came to ask our help as she had another boat that wanted to go at the same time as us, they were Germans who spoke no French and precious little English. Their boat was 10m long, so it was not a good idea to lock together; she said she’d work them through first and then us, then carry on to the next. She would be doing all five up to Panneçot. Mike went with her to tell the Germans what we were doing. The electricity went off so Mike went to investigate. I put the laptop on and used solar powered electric! Later the electricity went off somewhere other than the breakers on the pontoon, so no chance of restoring it tonight. Hireboats!!

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