Tuesday 8 June 2010

A false start and heading into the Internet black hole April 2010

Apologies for the late start this year - the title says it all!

Tuesday 27th April 2010 Champvert to Cercy-la-Tour. 10.7 kms 2 locks

5.7°C Warm and sunny but cooler (quite chilly) in the shady bits. Mike was up at 7.45 a.m. to start getting ready to move. Left at ten, leaving our winter neighbours to catch up later. A young VNF man worked Champvert, lock 33, for us, the boat rose 2.27m and we were soon on our way. Just over 3 kms to the next lock. I made tea and toast on the way to Roche. Our young VNF man in a van had the next lock empty with one right hand bottom end gate open, waiting for us. A deeper lock, 3.07m, and we both missed chucking the ropes up. I ended up having to shove the bows back over (the bows had drifted to the far wall) and get a short boatshaft to lift the rope up to the keeper (on the pointy end) for him to place the loop on a bollard for me. The lock filled and we set off on the 7.7 kms pound to Cercy-la-Tour. We saw two people walking the towpath, a young woman walking smartly in the direction of Decize with a mobile phone glued to her ear and, several kilometres further on, a young man with a rucksack pacing about as if waiting for someone. Strange? Only two boats passed us two bridges before Cercy, a Swiss flagged Caribbean style cruiser with steering position on the roof and a Locaboat. The pontoon was completely empty so we moored at the downstream end at 12.25 p.m. One large hireboat was tied on the pontoon below the lock waiting for the end of the keeper’s lunch break before continuing uphill. I set up the electricity supply and then cleared one of the plant pots on the roof which had had crocuses in it. I had two handfuls of small corms to replant for the next season. 

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