Tuesday 15 June 2010

Sunday 6th June 2010 Mailly-la-Ville.

Sunny morning after rain in the night, cloudy afternoon with showers. More chores. Stored stuff under the bed - our winter boots and a radio transceiver that needs repairing. Mike had a look down the hole in the floorboards to check for bilge water, no water but there was a load of flaky rust! Sounds like we need to do a major job getting floorboards up and repainting the bottom plates. A big job. Decided the whole bedroom needed doing. A very big job. Mike refilled the water tank and investigated what needed doing to repair another Handy Mains inverter which had failed. Two capacitors had exploded (one had just the empty casing left) when a diode failed. Shopping list for Delta Ohm back at Coulanges when he next moves the car.

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