Wednesday 11 August 2010

Wednesday 4th August 2010 Ouzouër-sur-Trèzée Day off.

Cool night. Grey clouds and rain. Corita left at nine heading downhill. Up early and we went shopping at Carrefour Market in Gien, next town downriver on the Loire from Briare (which we noted had renamed itself Briare-le-Canal!) Lucy (Sat Nav) tried to take us down a farm track again. Nice shop, got most of the stuff we needed and prices weren’t too bad, except the fish and I wouldn’t buy cod at 21,95€/kg. Had a funny session with the checkout assistant when I handed her what I thought were two coupons for 50c off hamburgers – there was no bar code and it said look inside the package for the coupon! I’d thrown the packaging away and kept the wrong thing!! Back home for midday. Charley had just arrived and had moored uphill of Anna-Maria. Not long after the quay filled up again and Pax moored where Corita had been. The French boat that had moored in front of us had used our mooring pin to tie his stern to! Lunch. It was the neighbours turn to have no phone signal – Orange had no network! Packed my laptop in its bag and went into Briare to get a good signal for the Internet and check the bank accounts and emails. We watched that then Sky at Night about a discovery of a huge star they christened The Monster. Must remember to lookout for the peak of the Perseid meteor shower 13th/14th August.

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