Saturday 7 August 2010

Thursday 29th July 2010 Montbouy. Day off.

Grey clouds, showers and odd sunny spells. Decided to stay put as there was so much traffic going uphill plus the weather wasn’t very good. The cruiser Heclantis was off first at nine, soon followed by the two DBs – Detje Anna was towing a miniature Dutch tug – and the other cruiser went up in the lock behind Rosa. Mike looked at the Website of the firm who made our new weather station to see if they had a better coverage map than the scrappy photocopy that came with it. Nothing, so he copied the one he’d got, printed several and then after lunch he enhanced the map by hand, outlining the map and adding country boundaries then highlighting the forecast areas. A very small cruiser moored behind us. Two more cruisers arrived and moored behind us over lunchtime, they left before 1.30 p.m. when a large downhill twin engined (very smoky) British cruiser called Awol arrived and moored behind us and the small cruiser. Another two small French boats arrived. Hotel boat La Renaissance came down the lock and moored just below it, then Meeuw (Dutch MTB with French crew) returned heading uphill and moored on the same quay as the hotel boat.

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