Friday 9 July 2010

Tuesday 6th July 2010 Bray Day off

Warm and sunny, a few clouds appearing in the afternoon. We went shopping at Carrefour Market in Bray. The neighbours had just come back from a walk with a shopping trolley to Aldi, topping up on wine. First Mike went in the two bricolages looking for a ¼” tap and a signal amplifier for the TV, he found no taps the right size and the amplifiers were expensive. The supermarket was busy. I found this particular C4 badly planned out, it didn’t have everything we wanted and the prices were higher. Back on the boat, I packed all the groceries away (we hadn’t bought much) and made lunch. We’d had a reply from the Snails, they’d been out of contact with no free wifi available. Lockkipper had posted photos of our boat on his blog. I also found one of Floan and Pedro and sent a link to Helen, asking where Floan was now. 
Click the link below to see Floan and Pedro moored in Paris:-

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